Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A wasted day..almost.

Summer school started yesterday and in usual UWI fashion our lecturer was late because he was not aware there was a class scheduled. The class was scheduled for three hours but we spent at most, one hour on campus.When he did arrive, he proceeded to give us two assignments., while explaining the course objectives. He also berated some second and third students for doing a foundation course so late in their studies.Summer school lasts six weeks so this course will be very intensive. Time to stop procrastinating.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The difference between us and them

Any one who knows me, is aware that I do not believe in regional integration. Most Caribbean nationals are not afraid to say they do not like us or our country,but that does not stop them from living here. They like the easy access to social services and it is relatively crime free. I have even heard some of our South American "brothers " and "sisters" say they like my country but they would like to get rid of its citizens. How ignorant is that statement. We pay the taxes that fund all the social services. We elected the leaders who helped to shape this great country. We also defeated them in elections when they did not do what was right. It would be better if immigrants stayed in their countries and tried to emulate us.Pay your taxes and choose a government whose priority is helping its citizens.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A constant pain

I can't wait for the renovations to be over.Today I came home to a bedroom in total disarray because of the electrician moving electrical outlets.It's been ten months and no end in sight because of incompetent people. Add a toddler to the mix and my headache is understandable.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am going to beat you with my X

Politicians are a special breed. Sunday I went to a family gathering at my aunt's house. I had never visited her house before, long story, but that is for another time. The state of the road shocked me speechless and that isn't easy to do. The road can only be described as a cart road. Usually a cart road runs through a cane field but this one actually ran through a neighborhood. This neighborhood sits in the midst of several cane fields so maybe that would explain the unbelievably bad state of the roads.

I was glad I had left my car at home and came with my sister. After turning off the main road, when we saw the road we assumed that we had taken a wrong turn. The sight of my cousin's car coming down road assured us that we were on the right path. The road is rough, bumpy, full of holes and appears unchanged from the days of slavery. There were no signs this road had ever been paved. Relatives who drove four wheel drive vehicles had no problem navigating the road. maybe that is why the road has not been fixed, the Ministry would need four wheel drive vehicles to get there.

This area had the same parliamentary representative for over twenty years and for the last 14 years his party was the Government. I can not imagine that he ever visited that area and saw the state of the roads. One of his colleagues was the Minister responsible for roads and transport. Their constituencies bordered each other and they are both from that parish.

I wonder if any one in that particular neighborhood voted for that representative over the last twenty years. As tax payers, we need to demand more from our leaders. No more voting for the party. Responsible citizens need to examine each candidate and party on their record of service to the people before voting.

There is no way of I lived in that neighborhood that any politician would get my vote unless that road was repaired.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The return of good music

Chrisette Michelle's new cd Epiphany was number one on Billboard last week. Unlike Ciara who was all over the place, naked on the cover of Vibe magazine, allowing Justin Timberlake to smack her ass in her video and crawling on the floor on several tv shows, Chrisette did very little press to promote her new cd. Yet she had the number one cd,interesting.
For several years I have been complaining to my friends about the lack of good music on the air waves and that is why I spend so much time on the internet searching lesser known sites for information about new music. I remember reading about Chrisette Michelle and listening to songs clips on Amazon long before many of friends knew who she was.
Radio stations need to play a wider variety of music instead of all the crap that is out there.Every day, hour after hour, dj's play the same songs over and over while ignoring lesser known music.If there is an upcoming show, our ears are bombarded with the same songs over and over for at least two weeks before the event.
Chrisette Michelle's victory over Ciara is a win for all of us who can not tolerate the auto tune, pro tools nonsensecalled music that is out there.
Next up Maxwell.I can not wait.

The world and his wife

Everyone in the Caribbean thinks they have a right to live and work in Barbados. Other countries are putting illegal immigrants in jail, deporting them, refusing them entry but Barbados should welcome everyone with open arms.I have one problem with the new immigration rules.They should have said all illegal immigrants, not only Caricom nationals.There are too many Chinese, Europeans, Africans and others living and working in this country illegally.

Caribbean nationals hate Barbados and Bajans but they want to live in Barbados because it is peaceful and relatively crime free. Add to that free education and health care and we are the truly the gem of the Caribbean. Most of the illegal immigrants who live here want to create a home away from home. Guyanese are trying to create Guyana, Trinidadians are trying to create Trinidad, Jamaicans are trying to create Jamaica. No one wants to adopt Barbadian sensibilities because they hate Bajans and this is what scares me. In trying to recreate their homeland, Barbados will be subject to all the ethnic issues of Guyana and the crimes of Jamaica and Trinidad. This will lead to the disintegration of the wonderful island I call home.

Barbados is not perfect but our forefathers worked hard to create our way of life. I do not want to see it destroyed by people who care nothing for our island but only for their personal gain.